Outdoor advertising

Billboard's & Outdoor advertising in Baku

The site has been created, the office has been rented - in short, the company started operating. People pass by your tour firm, cafe, beauty center thinking that it is an ordinary object. It is more complicated to be informed about the company and to search point by point in the city. The reason is that there is no sign or board indicating your company at the place where it is located.

Currently, outdoor advertising serves as a sign indicating the location of the facility, as well as boards indicating the location of the nearest supermarket, filling station, cafe in the city and surprising passers-by with 70% discounts. This is an invaluable benefit of outdoor advertising.

Outdoor advertising is considered one of the most effective methods of disseminating information about products and services and is highly competitive with other advertising methods.

Before installing outdoor advertising, we first clarify the following points with the client

- Outdoor advertising type;

- Outdoor advertising size;

- Design development;

- Placement area;

- Placement time and duration.

Sharaf Media
Baku, Azerbaijan, Azure Business Center, 10th floor
+994 70 491 07 07
+994 50 539 09 39